Fa la la la la, la la la la. I have landed in the big apple - amidst snow, visible breaths, and below freezing temps - after enjoying the 80 degree December's of New Orleans. Talk about a rude awakening. My apartment has been flooding on and off, my roommate moved out, and oil prices went up. Guess that basically surmises December. Markets are at an all time high, America preps for a new president, and the electoral college is being counted today. All in all it is a pretty busy time in the land of the free and the home of the brave.
Last Sunday Dr. Busija threw a pretty killer holiday party at the column's hotel. Most of the class showed up and it was nice to be able to socialize with professors and classmates in a setting outside of the classroom. After one-too-many muffaletta's, and a photo-shoot session with the ladies of pharmacology (Mrs. Sanders, if you're reading this, we would love those pictures), a bunch of us headed out to spend some more time together.
Now that I have a little time off from schoolwork I will be educating myself in the art of baking, as well as perfecting the skill of present wrapping. My cat refuses to join us in the festivities and doesn't find her Santa costume to be pleasing. There's always one odd-ball in the family. What can you do? I look forward to coming back to NOLA, but it is nice to be with family (in short, intermittent doses), however I'm not too sure if I can ever live in the cold again after getting used to that Louisiana heat.
Till next year my dear readers, all 2 or 3 of you...
Hours for December: 0
Hours for the semester: 35